Part 2 of our conversation with Jen Pollock Michel as we continue to discuss her book, In Good Time. We are all busy, and have a hard time cultivating the habits that enable both being and doing. If we can’t cultivate good habits, we have a harder time fulfilling God’s mission.
In this episode, Travis and Jenn discuss some of the seven deadly sins, and how our contemporary online lives are often guilty of the sin of vainglory, and our constant scrolling is a form of the ancient sin of acedia. We need to address these sins and cultivate habits that enable godliness.
Jen is a writer, speaker, coach, and podcast host. She is the author of five books: A Habit Called Faith, Surprised by Paradox (winner of Christianity Today’s 2020 Award of Merit for Beautiful Orthodoxy), Keeping Place, and Teach Us to Want (winner of Christianity Today’s 2015 Book of the Year). She holds a B.A. in French from Wheaton College, an M.A. in Literature from Northwestern University, and is working to complete an M.F.A from Seattle Pacific University. After eleven years of living in Toronto, Jen now lives in Cincinnati with her husband and two youngest children. You can follow Jen on Twitter and Instagram @jenpmichel, subscribe to her Monday letters at, and listen to episodes of the Englewood Review of Books podcast.
Learn more about Jen
Listen to Part 1
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