Travis Michael Fleming delves into the profound and often misunderstood concept of the Kingdom of God, offering insights that challenge contemporary perceptions shaped by cultural and historical contexts. He begins by contrasting two prevalent views: the ‘skinny jeans kingdom’ advocates, who emphasize social justice and good deeds without a robust understanding of church and doctrine, versus the ‘pleated pants kingdom’ proponents, who focus solely on doctrine while neglecting active discipleship and engagement in the world. This dichotomy sets the stage for a deeper exploration of what the Kingdom of God truly represents in the teachings of Jesus, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach that incorporates both action and belief.
- The kingdom of God encompasses both a spiritual realm and a transformative power in people.
- Understanding the kingdom requires recognizing the dual aspects of rule and realm in scripture.
- Jesus inaugurated the kingdom, which will fully manifest at the end of time.
- Our allegiance to Christ as King reshapes our worldview and interactions with others.
- True citizenship in God’s kingdom demands a life aligned with His principles and teachings.
- Believers participate in the divine story, actively displaying God’s glory in the world.
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It's watering time, everybody.
Travis Michael Fleming:Yes, it is time for Apollos Watered, a podcast meant to help saturate your faith with the things of God.
Travis Michael Fleming:I am your host, Travis Michael Fleming, and it is a delight to be with you today.
Travis Michael Fleming:Thank you for tuning in.
Travis Michael Fleming:Today's question is centered around the kingdom of God.
Travis Michael Fleming:Let's just lay it out.
Travis Michael Fleming:First of all, what is the kingdom of God?
Travis Michael Fleming:Now, if we were to go back over history and look over church history, we would see that there are many different conceptions of what the kingdom of God is.
Travis Michael Fleming:In fact, if we were to just step out of the walls of our home and talk to different generations of those of people in the United States, we're going to get a different idea of what the kingdom of God is.
Travis Michael Fleming:On one side of the equation are those some have called the skinny jeans kingdom adherents, those who believe that we do any social project or some act of goodness, that it's the kingdom of God, and yet there's no understanding of the church or why we should be involved in church, or the importance of doctrine and the preaching of Christ and the necessity of making disciples.
Travis Michael Fleming:And if we were to go to the other side of this spectrum, it's what one author has called the pleated pants conception of kingdom.
Travis Michael Fleming:And what he meant was that there are those who just see it in terms of doctrine, and they don't understand the greater emphasis of what kingdom means in the world today.
Travis Michael Fleming:And so we see these two sides juxtaposed against one another, where you have the younger people seeing it as acts of righteousness or good deeds done in the world, but yet devoid of church or discipleship.
Travis Michael Fleming:And on the opposite side, you see those who see it within the context of church and discipleship and yet are not active at all within the world today.
Travis Michael Fleming:And so we just look at that as a cursory glance and we stop and go, what then is the kingdom of God?
Travis Michael Fleming:What is it?
Travis Michael Fleming:Why does it matter?
Travis Michael Fleming:So when we're talking about this concept of kingdom, we don't need to look at modern society.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, we do look at church history to see where they had really faulty understandings of it.
Travis Michael Fleming:But most of us are never going to do that.
Travis Michael Fleming:So what we need to do is go to the resource that we have in front of us already, and that's the Bible.
Travis Michael Fleming:And what does Jesus say about the kingdom of God and what's its importance?
Travis Michael Fleming:And if we were to start off, we would actually go to the Book of Mark.
Travis Michael Fleming:And Mark is the shortest of the Gospels.
Travis Michael Fleming:Many scholars believe that it's the very first of all the gospels.
Travis Michael Fleming:It's the most brief.
Travis Michael Fleming:It starts off with Jesus baptism by John the Baptist.
Travis Michael Fleming:And it starts off with his ministry and its beginning.
Travis Michael Fleming:And in Mark, chapter one, verse 14 through 15, we read this.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now, after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee proclaiming the Gospel of God.
Travis Michael Fleming:And I want to pause there just for a second because what was the gospel if Jesus hadn't died and risen from the dead yet?
Travis Michael Fleming:But let's go back and saying, the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand.
Travis Michael Fleming:Repent and believe in the gospel.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now, if we look at it from our 21st century stadium seat and we're looking into the auditorium of the Word of God, we can say, well, hey, of course it's referring back to this part.
Travis Michael Fleming:It's referring back to Jesus.
Travis Michael Fleming:Even though they didn't know this yet, it was talking about the crucifixion that was to come.
Travis Michael Fleming:No, I don't think that plays well.
Travis Michael Fleming:I think we have to stop and go, what did it mean to Jesus?
Travis Michael Fleming:ORIGINAL AUDIENCE because originally, I don't think the average Jewish listener would finally have said, oh, thank you.
Travis Michael Fleming:Someone here to tell me how to get saved.
Travis Michael Fleming:Oh, so great.
Travis Michael Fleming:I've been waiting so long to know how I can be saved from my sins.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's not all what they were thinking.
Travis Michael Fleming:I think they were thinking more of, wait a minute, we got a liberator, someone who's in the image of the Davidic king.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, it's the king, the king is coming, and Messiah and temple and Jerusalem and let's do this thing.
Travis Michael Fleming:And I mean, kick the Romans out, let's get these occupiers out of Jerusalem.
Travis Michael Fleming:And justice, I mean, think about all the cries of justice that we have going on in our world today.
Travis Michael Fleming:It's the same kind of concept.
Travis Michael Fleming:People were primed and ready to hear about the gospel and this kingdom that was coming.
Travis Michael Fleming:And so they looked at it as coming right away.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now for many of us, we're like, well, of course they had a really screwed up understanding of it.
Travis Michael Fleming:We know that Jesus kingdom is spiritual.
Travis Michael Fleming:Jesus talked about that.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, any of us who have been in Sunday school for any period of time or if you've ever heard a sermon, you understand that the kingdom of God, the way that Jesus envisioned it was very different than they envisioned it in the first century.
Travis Michael Fleming:They wanted it to come right away and they had a really huge misconception of what it was going to be like.
Travis Michael Fleming:But when we bring it into our era and we see it just as a spiritual understanding and not understanding that it's going to affect or be seen or manifested in different ways.
Travis Michael Fleming:We, we equally can make some pretty screwed up misconceptions ourselves.
Travis Michael Fleming:And we have to understand that it's a pretty difficult subject for us to even talk about.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, how often do you talk about the kingdom of God with your friends or even talk about it at church?
Travis Michael Fleming:Now you might come from a church where you talk about it quite a bit and if that's the case, you have a rock in church.
Travis Michael Fleming:But for most of us, I think the kingdom of God is kind of like the appendix.
Travis Michael Fleming:We know it's in there, we think it might have a purpose.
Travis Michael Fleming:We've heard maybe that it does, but really we can live without it.
Travis Michael Fleming:And I think for most of us, the reason that we have such a hard time is that we're pretty filled up with everything else.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, we got a lot of problems, we got a lot of issues.
Travis Michael Fleming:And so if the kingdom of God can't be used right away, then we don't want to talk about it.
Travis Michael Fleming:And truth be told, it doesn't make a lot of sense to us anyway.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, think about it.
Travis Michael Fleming:If I were to tell you that Jesus is a king and Jesus is coming and you'd be like, say what?
Travis Michael Fleming:King Burger King, King James, Prince Charles, that guy over in Great Britain.
Travis Michael Fleming:I think that's where most of us are at.
Travis Michael Fleming:We don't think about king and all that it entails.
Travis Michael Fleming:But you know, the Bible does talk about king quite a bit.
Travis Michael Fleming:As a matter of fact, the whole Old Testament is really pregnant with this concept of king.
Travis Michael Fleming:And we don't get it.
Travis Michael Fleming:It just kind of, we get glossy eyed when it comes to talking about the king and it doesn't really make a lot of sense to us.
Travis Michael Fleming:So we skip over it.
Travis Michael Fleming:But before we really get to this understanding of what the kingdom of God is, we need to talk about the reason why we're even talking about a king.
Travis Michael Fleming:Right?
Travis Michael Fleming:How can we talk about a kingdom unless you got a ruler, a king?
Travis Michael Fleming:Now the Bible uses a bunch of terms that we don't use today.
Travis Michael Fleming:Dominion, throne, scepter, crown, rule, rein and footstool.
Travis Michael Fleming:And these are images that are borrowed or used in talking about a king and kingdom.
Travis Michael Fleming:And the Bible talks a great deal about this stuff.
Travis Michael Fleming:Matter of fact, it's throughout many of the pages of the Old Testament and uses terms like scepter and throne.
Travis Michael Fleming:In fact, you got Genesis chapter 49 where you have Jacob at the end of his life.
Travis Michael Fleming:He's blessing his sons and he's going down the line.
Travis Michael Fleming:And he gets to his fourth son, who's named Judah, and he tells him that there's going to be a scepter that won't depart from him or the ruler staff from between his feet until tribute comes.
Travis Michael Fleming:It's the idea of he's looking down the line, he's looking in the future, going, matter of fact, Judah, there's going to be a ruler that comes from you.
Travis Michael Fleming:There's going to be a guy who rules and reigns that comes through you.
Travis Michael Fleming:And in numbers, chapter 24, we get this pagan prophet.
Travis Michael Fleming:One of my favorite stories in all of scripture, a guy named Ben Balaam who is being commissioned to curse the people of Israel as they are wandering around in the wilderness and making their way over to the promised land.
Travis Michael Fleming:And some of the foreign nations don't like that, so they pay this guy named Balaam to curse him.
Travis Michael Fleming:And in fact, God shows up, and instead of having him curse them, he actually has him bless them.
Travis Michael Fleming:And in one of the really cool verses is in number, chapter 24, verse 17.
Travis Michael Fleming:And Balaam says, I see him, but not now.
Travis Michael Fleming:I behold him, but not near.
Travis Michael Fleming:A star shall come out of Jacob, and his scepter shall rise out of Israel.
Travis Michael Fleming:It shall crush the forehead of Moab and break down all the sons of Chef.
Travis Michael Fleming:Did you get all that?
Travis Michael Fleming:Oh, those are a lot of terms that we're familiar with.
Travis Michael Fleming:But he says, I see him, but not now.
Travis Michael Fleming:In other words, there's a ruler that's coming, but he's not here right now, and he's coming.
Travis Michael Fleming:I behold him, but not near, not right away.
Travis Michael Fleming:It's going to be down the line that he's coming and he's a star, which is the idea of ruler come out of Jacob again, because Judah is the son of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel, a ruler.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's what he's talking about there.
Travis Michael Fleming:And it's going to crush the forehead of Moab and break down all the sons of Chef.
Travis Michael Fleming:It's going to rule over everybody.
Travis Michael Fleming:He's going to have power and authority.
Travis Michael Fleming:And another passage we get a small glimmer of, this is Micah, chapter five, verse two, where we hear, O Bethlehem, Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth from me, one who is to be a ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from.
Travis Michael Fleming:Of old, from ancient days.
Travis Michael Fleming:So he's saying that.
Travis Michael Fleming:He's saying that from Bethlehem is going to Be a ruler.
Travis Michael Fleming:And if you've ever been in church on Christmas, you know that Jesus was born in anyone.
Travis Michael Fleming:Bethlehem.
Travis Michael Fleming:Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
Travis Michael Fleming:Yes, Bethlehem.
Travis Michael Fleming:We have a winner.
Travis Michael Fleming:Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
Travis Michael Fleming:And so we see that this prophecy is saying that Jesus, a ruler, Jesus we know to be Jesus, is going to be the one born in Bethlehem who would rule and reign.
Travis Michael Fleming:And again, how does that apply to my life today?
Travis Michael Fleming:Well, we have to understand that God had laid out centuries ago that there would be one who would come into the world to make it right.
Travis Michael Fleming:Because the world was under oppression in sin and it's all over the place.
Travis Michael Fleming:The problem is, is that most people don't think sin is sin and they don't understand sin and they don't understand the way the world is.
Travis Michael Fleming:And they think that they can make it right and better and great and we can get rid of all of our problems.
Travis Michael Fleming:And yet, no matter how much we have increased in knowledge and in technology, we seem to be more miserable than we've ever been before.
Travis Michael Fleming:Yes, we've taken care of some things, some pretty important things.
Travis Michael Fleming:We've got some great things with healthcare and help and transportation and technology.
Travis Michael Fleming:But with all of advances that we've had, we have found that we can't remove the stigma of sin as it comes into our worlds.
Travis Michael Fleming:And we need an understanding of a savior who's going to help liberate or set us free or help us, because we know that the world is not all right.
Travis Michael Fleming:And this ruler is going to be awesome.
Travis Michael Fleming:He's going to come from, we understand now.
Travis Michael Fleming:He's going to come from Judah and Jacob before that, so Jacob and Judah.
Travis Michael Fleming:And he's going to be a descendant of David.
Travis Michael Fleming:We know that he was going to be born in Bethlehem.
Travis Michael Fleming:And if we were to go to the book of Daniel, which is like the Old Testament version of the Book of Revelation, we read in Daniel 2:44.
Travis Michael Fleming:And in the days of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people.
Travis Michael Fleming:It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever.
Travis Michael Fleming:So he's going to rule an everlasting kingdom.
Travis Michael Fleming:And again, Daniel, chapter 7, verse 14.
Travis Michael Fleming:And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom that all peoples nations and languages should serve him.
Travis Michael Fleming:His dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away and his kingdom shall not be destroyed.
Travis Michael Fleming:So it's gonna be a really huge, amazing kingdom, which means that every nation on earth Right now, every government is all, they're all going to bow at Jesus feet.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, think about that.
Travis Michael Fleming:Every people group, every tribe, every tongue, every language, every background, every subgroup that you can think of, every fringe group that you can think of, every terrorist, every, I mean every single person in all of humanity is going to be bowing down before him.
Travis Michael Fleming:And these are just a small slice of the scriptures that deal with God's coming king and his kingdom.
Travis Michael Fleming:But often I think we miss it because we're kind of caught up in our everyday lives and we're rather selfish.
Travis Michael Fleming:And we're also some of the most biblically illiterate people in the world right now.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, we have so many of the greatest resources, we can look up anything we want to.
Travis Michael Fleming:But I find that the problem isn't access.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, there are countries that don't have access, but it's application.
Travis Michael Fleming:We don't know what to do with what we have.
Travis Michael Fleming:So we skip over all this stuff.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now why does that matter?
Travis Michael Fleming:Well, we're missing the full flavor of the story.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's the problem.
Travis Michael Fleming:You know, I don't know if you remember the first time that you ever saw the movie Star wars or how old you are, but if you were of a certain vintage, basically if you're my age or above, you remember seeing Star wars starting with Episode four, Star A New Hope.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now, we didn't call it a new hope back then.
Travis Michael Fleming:It was just Star Wars.
Travis Michael Fleming:And then you had Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, and then you went through the prequels and then the sequels after that.
Travis Michael Fleming:And so depending on where, what age you are will largely depend on where you came into the Star wars story.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now I remember though, after watching Star wars and seeing that scrolling marquee in the very first few frames of the movie, when it tells you the background of everything that's gone on.
Travis Michael Fleming:But what really struck me is when I saw Episode four, A New Hope, that was the title.
Travis Michael Fleming:I remember thinking to myself the first time that I can really recall revisiting it, going, wait a minute, what about episodes one through three?
Travis Michael Fleming:Why does it say episode four?
Travis Michael Fleming:This should be the first one.
Travis Michael Fleming:Of course, it was only later that we discovered that this was the 4, 5 and 6, and that there were 1, 2 and 3.
Travis Michael Fleming:That was a story that had taken place way before that, and there would be a story that takes place after that.
Travis Michael Fleming:But when we look at the New Testament, it's very similar.
Travis Michael Fleming:See, we're coming into episode four and we're like, wow, what a cool story with four and.
Travis Michael Fleming:And five and six.
Travis Michael Fleming:And we're seeing that kind of played out.
Travis Michael Fleming:But there's a reality that we really miss a greater part of the story that's found through episodes one through three, which is Genesis all the way through Malachi.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now, why does all that matter?
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, because we really do miss the story.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now you might say, well, I don't need to know that whole story.
Travis Michael Fleming:I only need to know episodes four and the rest of it.
Travis Michael Fleming:And that might be true, but you really get the full flavor of it and understand the importance of it when you grasp what happened beforehand and you find out that there's a lot more.
Travis Michael Fleming:And remember, this is where it really is different and the illustration falls short.
Travis Michael Fleming:This isn't entertainment.
Travis Michael Fleming:This is about our lives and who God is and who we are and why the world is the way that it is and why Jesus needed to come.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's what we have to keep our eye on, that Jesus is really the arc of the story and we're brought into it.
Travis Michael Fleming:But there's so much more that brings it out.
Travis Michael Fleming:I just absolutely love it.
Travis Michael Fleming:Matter of fact, there's one, one scholar guy by the name of R.C.
Travis Michael Fleming:sproul.
Travis Michael Fleming:He mentioned this.
Travis Michael Fleming:He says, at the end of Jesus's Jesus, just as he was about to depart from this earth, his disciples had the opportunity to ask him one last question.
Travis Michael Fleming:They asked, lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom again?
Travis Michael Fleming:That's what we're talking about, the kingdom.
Travis Michael Fleming:Are you going to bring it back now?
Travis Michael Fleming:Is that what you're doing?
Travis Michael Fleming:Is that what it's about?
Travis Michael Fleming:And Jesus is like, so frustrated.
Travis Michael Fleming:He's just like, are you kidding me?
Travis Michael Fleming:How many times have I been telling you guys that that's not it.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's not it.
Travis Michael Fleming:I'm not going to restore that right now.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's not the point.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now, he didn't answer that way, of course, because he's Jesus and he's a lot better than we are.
Travis Michael Fleming:And he says really gently, it's not for you to know the times and seasons which the Father has put in his own authority.
Travis Michael Fleming:But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.
Travis Michael Fleming:And you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth.
Travis Michael Fleming:And see, what did he mean by that?
Travis Michael Fleming:Well, it's that his kingdom was not of this world.
Travis Michael Fleming:Matter of fact, Pilate, when Jesus was brought before him and they said, he's a king and he wanted to know where his kingdom was.
Travis Michael Fleming:And the response, response was, my Kingdom was not of this world.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now was he indicating that it was just the spiritual kingdom that was taking place in our hearts or was he speaking of something else entirely?
Travis Michael Fleming:As I said before, the whole Old Testament called attention not to a kingdom that would simply appear in people's hearts, but it was more than that, but to a kingdom that would break through into this world.
Travis Michael Fleming:And we get this actually In Luke chapter 11, verse 20, Jesus says this.
Travis Michael Fleming:If I cast out demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.
Travis Michael Fleming:If this is real, if this is legit, meaning that if this is really happening, then the kingdom of God is coming and it's coming in the person of Jesus and it's going to break through my people as the Spirit of God is reigning in the hearts and minds of people.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, we get another idea of this when Jesus sent out 70 disciples on this preaching mission and he instructed them to tell these non repentant cities that the kingdom of God has come near you.
Travis Michael Fleming:Luke:Travis Michael Fleming:Then if that's the case, how could the kingdom be upon the people or near them?
Travis Michael Fleming:The kingdom of God was near to them because the King of the kingdom was there because he's walking around and where his people are, that's where the kingdom is, that's where his rule is seen.
Travis Michael Fleming:So when Jesus came, he inaugurated God's kingdom.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, I don't know if we really get that he inaugurated it, but we have something similar to that in the United States.
Travis Michael Fleming:So right now we're in an election season and I'm not talking about one candidate or another, but my point is, is that in November there's an election that determines the next President or the next President of the United States, whether it's the incumbent or whether or not you have a new guy assuming the office.
Travis Michael Fleming:But let's say a new person assumes the office.
Travis Michael Fleming:And what happens is between this period of November and January, that President is called the President elect, meaning that they are the President, but they haven't assumed the full office of the President.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now there are changes that will start to be made to get ready for that new president.
Travis Michael Fleming:Right?
Travis Michael Fleming:And it's the same that's true with Jesus kingdom.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, of course it's not a one to one comparison, but the idea is there is that Jesus is the Savior elect, the King elect, if you will.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now he's not elected by anybody.
Travis Michael Fleming:God is elected him and chosen him.
Travis Michael Fleming:But the rule and reign has been determined, but the fullness of that reign has not been manifested yet.
Travis Michael Fleming:Pretty Cool, huh?
Travis Michael Fleming:And so we have this idea, this conception of kingdom, and it really does affect us because that means that kingdom is going to be breaking through until the fullness when Jesus comes again and consummates the kingdom.
Travis Michael Fleming:And that's why we need to get really a good description of it, because there's really not any place in scripture where we can find a definition of kingdom.
Travis Michael Fleming:Like, you can turn to like, two opinions, chapter four, and read right here that the kingdom is this and you have a definition.
Travis Michael Fleming:You don't get that.
Travis Michael Fleming:Instead you get puzzle pieces.
Travis Michael Fleming:And as we go through scripture, we take, oh, there's a puzzle piece.
Travis Michael Fleming:Oh, Daniel, okay, Daniel 7, that seems like a puzzle piece.
Travis Michael Fleming:And you start picking the different puzzle pieces, and when you start pulling them out and you find that they fit together and it creates this amazing picture of who God is.
Travis Michael Fleming:And we see here, then it's already present when we.
Travis Michael Fleming:When we start putting the pieces together, that's the first thing that we discover.
Travis Michael Fleming:s ago when Jesus said in Luke:Travis Michael Fleming:Or Luke:Travis Michael Fleming:These are the ideas that it's going on.
Travis Michael Fleming:It's already going on.
Travis Michael Fleming:Just as I said before, it's like the president's election, except he's the king elect.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now, not only is it already going on, but this king, when he comes, has got absolute power.
Travis Michael Fleming:And I don't know about you, but when I am looking forward to the day when he has complete, obvious absolute power manifested.
Travis Michael Fleming:Because I'm looking around the world right now going, who's in charge of this thing?
Travis Michael Fleming:It feels like we left the inmates in charge of the insane asylum.
Travis Michael Fleming:You know, I look around the world, I look what I see going on on social media, and it's just little videos or clips and people making opinions and everyone saying this or that.
Travis Michael Fleming:Or you go on to the comments section of some news sites and oh, my lands, I look at our world and I go, oh, what is going on?
Travis Michael Fleming:Or I look at other countries and other governments and I read their news and I hear their stories and I'm looking around the room going, someone needs to be in charge.
Travis Michael Fleming:Why can't these injustices be fixed?
Travis Michael Fleming:Why can't there be no more sex trafficking?
Travis Michael Fleming:Why does there have to be abuses in marriage?
Travis Michael Fleming:Why does there have to be so much economic disparity?
Travis Michael Fleming:Why do these people have to be oppressed the way that they are?
Travis Michael Fleming:Or treated because of the color of their skin or their ethnicity or their language or their background.
Travis Michael Fleming:I want God to come and fix it and make all things right.
Travis Michael Fleming:I want him to show that he is loving and he is right, and he is joyous and wrathful and loving and forgiving and merciful and all of the different perfections that God exudes from his person.
Travis Michael Fleming:I want to see that.
Travis Michael Fleming:And it takes, it makes me so excited that he.
Travis Michael Fleming:To know that he has absolute power.
Travis Michael Fleming:It's unchecked.
Travis Michael Fleming:It's not like the American system where you've got checks and balances and, and there's a.
Travis Michael Fleming:An equal distribution between the powers.
Travis Michael Fleming:No, he's got absolute, complete, final authority.
Travis Michael Fleming:And it's a perfect power, though.
Travis Michael Fleming:See, our founding fathers in the United States recognize the fallen nature of man and the propensity of man to screw things up.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's why the checks and balances are there, because power goes to our head.
Travis Michael Fleming:Not so with God.
Travis Michael Fleming:He will always be equitable and fair and treat people without regard to anything except the criteria that he has within himself.
Travis Michael Fleming:So he has absolute power.
Travis Michael Fleming:He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
Travis Michael Fleming:And here's some just awesome passages to help fire you up with that.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's in Daniel, chapter 7, verse 27.
Travis Michael Fleming:And the kingdom, and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High.
Travis Michael Fleming:His kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.
Travis Michael Fleming:Or Matthew:Travis Michael Fleming:Get ready for this one.
Travis Michael Fleming:Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man.
Travis Michael Fleming:And then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Travis Michael Fleming:What a show.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, unlike any show I've ever seen in the sky.
Travis Michael Fleming:And I've seen some pretty remarkable fireworks.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, if you've ever been in the United States and you've seen fireworks go off on the Fourth of July or in D.C.
Travis Michael Fleming:or New York or Boston or Chicago or your hometown or maybe your little.
Travis Michael Fleming:Your little county area where they do fireworks or your friends, but you've seen it, or even gone to Disney World, and it's just pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop.
Travis Michael Fleming:And your eyes are just going back and forth and you're seeing just the glory of it.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, how much more glorious is it going to be when Jesus comes back?
Travis Michael Fleming:It's going to be so much more amazing than any earthly fireworks you could Take all the earthly fireworks and put them all together in the same location, and it's going to look like just black and white television next to 4K.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, it's going to be a wild ride.
Travis Michael Fleming:And not only does he have this absolute power, but it's.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, he's checking over the whole government.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now, I don't know how this government's going to play out.
Travis Michael Fleming:I'm not that skilled of a theologian or Bible scholar.
Travis Michael Fleming:I just know that in Isaiah, chapter 9, verse 6 through 7, and it says he's going to rule over the government.
Travis Michael Fleming:And this is this awesome passage that Handel's Messiah comes from in the Hallelujah chorus where he says, for unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder.
Travis Michael Fleming:And his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Travis Michael Fleming:Of the increase of his government and of peace, there will be no end on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and uphold it with justice and with righteousness.
Travis Michael Fleming:From this time forth and forevermore, the zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.
Travis Michael Fleming:He's going to have all the power.
Travis Michael Fleming:I've got the power.
Travis Michael Fleming:He's got it all.
Travis Michael Fleming:Okay, he's got all the power.
Travis Michael Fleming:But he's not a king unless he rules over a people.
Travis Michael Fleming:And our king is ruling over a transformed people.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now, this is where it gets a little bit tricky, because he's not coming in the fullness of his power yet.
Travis Michael Fleming:And we know that at the end of time, he's going to consummate that kingdom.
Travis Michael Fleming:But his rule is seen now in a transformed people.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now, as I said before, a king's not a king unless he's ruling over a people.
Travis Michael Fleming:You can't just walk home one day, open your house, and no one's there and say, I'm the king.
Travis Michael Fleming:What are you the king of?
Travis Michael Fleming:Nothing.
Travis Michael Fleming:Okay, you might be the king of the house, but you've got no subjects.
Travis Michael Fleming:And so to be a real king, you need to rule over a people.
Travis Michael Fleming:And in scripturally, it's a transformed people.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, yes, he's going to rule over everyone at the end of time, where wrongs are going to be righted.
Travis Michael Fleming:But now he's ruling over a transformed people that are seen in the church.
Travis Michael Fleming:You know, one theologian put it this way, and I love it.
Travis Michael Fleming:He put it really quick.
Travis Michael Fleming:He said, it's the king's power over the king's people in the king's place.
Travis Michael Fleming:The king's Power over the king's people in the king's place.
Travis Michael Fleming:Brief but effective.
Travis Michael Fleming:It's effective now when we're also talking about him ruling over a people.
Travis Michael Fleming:He's got to have a place to rule.
Travis Michael Fleming:And it is a really a renewed place.
Travis Michael Fleming:And again, this is where we get into the already.
Travis Michael Fleming:Not yet.
Travis Michael Fleming:We know that there's a new heaven and a new earth, but what does that really mean?
Travis Michael Fleming:Because kingdom, the word actually refers to two different parts.
Travis Michael Fleming:It's got two sides to the coin.
Travis Michael Fleming:One is rule and the other side is realm.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now, again, not terms that we use very often today.
Travis Michael Fleming:Some just want to make it say that we're talking about realm or location.
Travis Michael Fleming:But whenever the term actually is used, it refers to both.
Travis Michael Fleming:So the question is, how can he have the government upon his shoulders if there's not a realm for him to govern?
Travis Michael Fleming:And the promised Land, which is the most controversial piece of real estate in the entire world, it's actually a foreshadowing of the cosmic place where God will exhibit his reign at the end of time.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now, I know that's a pretty controversial thing.
Travis Michael Fleming:And if you've been in church for any period of time, that is going to really mess people up.
Travis Michael Fleming:But Isaiah presents a picture of God, the king.
Travis Michael Fleming:God is the judge, but he's also under the tender king to his people because of this Davidic servant, messenger who brings restoration, the new Exodus, the new creation, the new Zion.
Travis Michael Fleming:This is Patrick Shriner talking, and he's saying it this way.
Travis Michael Fleming:While God's reign is everywhere and the earth is his footstool, According to Isaiah 66:1, which is, by the way, what ancient rulers had.
Travis Michael Fleming:I got to see a footstool up close.
Travis Michael Fleming:I was in Egypt about 14 years ago, and I got to go to the American University, or, excuse me, the American Museum in Cairo.
Travis Michael Fleming:And I got to see King Tut's footstool.
Travis Michael Fleming:And on it, it had all of these different figures of tribes painted on it, and it was showing that he ruled and reigned over them.
Travis Michael Fleming:So again, another picture here of one ruling and reigning.
Travis Michael Fleming:And we see the kingdom of God, or excuse me, we see the epicenter of his reign will be Zion, Jerusalem, from which he's going to bless all the nations.
Travis Michael Fleming:And the kingdom of God is through power and a person.
Travis Michael Fleming:And it's for a place, boom.
Travis Michael Fleming:He's going to create a new heaven and a new earth in Jerusalem to be a joy.
Travis Michael Fleming:Isaiah 65, 6, 17, 18.
Travis Michael Fleming:And in the new Jerusalem, Jerusalem, there will be no more crying.
Travis Michael Fleming:65, 19.
Travis Michael Fleming:There is no Crying in the kingdom.
Travis Michael Fleming:No crying in the kingdom.
Travis Michael Fleming:No death.
Travis Michael Fleming:Isaiah 65, 20.
Travis Michael Fleming:No governmental systems of oppression.
Travis Michael Fleming:Hallelujah.
Travis Michael Fleming:Isaiah 65, 21, 22 and no.
Travis Michael Fleming:Can you believe this?
Travis Michael Fleming:Here's the word conflict.
Travis Michael Fleming:What?
Travis Michael Fleming:Yeah, no conflict.
Travis Michael Fleming:Isaiah 65, 25.
Travis Michael Fleming:All because of this Davidic servant, messenger, which is ding, ding, ding, ding.
Travis Michael Fleming:Right answer is Jesus.
Travis Michael Fleming:Yes, I will accept Jesus, the Son of God.
Travis Michael Fleming:I will also accept Christ, Messiah and Issa, Yeshua, Emmanuel, God with us.
Travis Michael Fleming:I'll accept all of the above.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's who it is.
Travis Michael Fleming:He's going to be ruling over renewed people in a renewed place.
Travis Michael Fleming:And we get another idea of this in Ezekiel and because Ezekiel, again, fascinating book, a little bit like Revelation, got some pretty crazy pictures in there.
Travis Michael Fleming:But it ends with a picture of a temple, which is a picture actually of all Crete creation.
Travis Michael Fleming:And he promises that this.
Travis Michael Fleming:That a temple will be rebuilt which will be larger and much better than the one King Solomon ever constructed.
Travis Michael Fleming:And remember, the temple is not standing right now.
Travis Michael Fleming:The Dome of the Rock is there in the Al Asqua Mosque.
Travis Michael Fleming:And this guy promises that a temple will be rebuilt which will be larger, better than Solomon's.
Travis Michael Fleming:And the throne chariot enters the temple, which signifies the king's presence, returning to his people and establishing them in their place.
Travis Michael Fleming:And then this river flows out from the temple and transforms the Dead Sea into a garden city named the Lord is there.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now, I've been to the Dead Sea.
Travis Michael Fleming:It's dead.
Travis Michael Fleming:Nothing there.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, you got a lot of people that are taking their aches and pains and soaking in the salt water, and it stings to float in that thing, but there aren't any waves, no sea life, no movement at all.
Travis Michael Fleming:It is dead.
Travis Michael Fleming:And so the idea then that this thing is going to be transformed into a garden city, that's a little bit crazy in saying the Lord is there.
Travis Michael Fleming:According to Ezekiel:Travis Michael Fleming:So says Patrick Schreiner.
Travis Michael Fleming:And it's there that are going to be governed by the divine presence.
Travis Michael Fleming:Okay, God's there, right?
Travis Michael Fleming:God is there.
Travis Michael Fleming:God will be there.
Travis Michael Fleming:He's the center of everything.
Travis Michael Fleming:God is the gospel.
Travis Michael Fleming:And so then, if we know that God is there and it's going to be a renewed place and it's a transformed people, what does that mean for us?
Travis Michael Fleming:Well, then it means if we're really this transformed people, that we believe in Jesus and that he's really our Lord and Savior and our king, a sign that we are Living according to the King's rule and reign means that we need to be following his law.
Travis Michael Fleming:And that means for us, living by the godly principles within the word of God, the King does rule by a law.
Travis Michael Fleming:And that means for us, following Jesus through the power of the Spirit as we apply the Word.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now that's loaded.
Travis Michael Fleming:That is loaded, but that's what it is.
Travis Michael Fleming:And I don't want to get into all of the different, different types of laws and ceremonies and genres, but when we're looking at the New Testament, we see that we're to be following Jesus, our king through the power of the Spirit as we apply the word, the Bible, which are the ideals that God desires that we live by.
Travis Michael Fleming:It's really a performance script.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's what the Bible is.
Travis Michael Fleming:It shows us how to act out that we are followers of the King on the stage of the world where Jesus is actually the star of the show, we're always pointing to him and the divine drama of redemption is being displayed to the world for them to see.
Travis Michael Fleming:But also God invites us by faith to become participants on the stage of the world to display his glory to everybody else.
Travis Michael Fleming:And our script for that show is the Bible.
Travis Michael Fleming:It's performative.
Travis Michael Fleming:Some people just think it's to tell us all about the bad things in our life and how bad we are.
Travis Michael Fleming:And while it does condemn us and show us that we are evil, it shows us where we can find a cure for our evil and our sin and suffering and sadness and death and how to put away the works of the devil, the evil one.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, the Bible talks about all these things.
Travis Michael Fleming:So it's not this heavy document that's there to just slap people down as if we are in this cosmic game of whack a mole and the Bible is just hitting us in the head, knocking us down.
Travis Michael Fleming:Sinner, sinner, sinner, sinner.
Travis Michael Fleming:No, that's not what it's about.
Travis Michael Fleming:It's to show us life and how to find joy and how to turn from those things which kill our joy and to become part of God's story in a greater way where we can have this dynamic, awesome, life changing, wonderful, wonderful, transformative relationship with God.
Travis Michael Fleming:And it's awesome.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, that's what this, the difference that this subject makes.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's what we're talking about when we're talking about the Kingdom of God.
Travis Michael Fleming:We're talking about a subject where God's allowed us to give an entry ramp into his story.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, what does the Kingdom of God mean for our everyday lives?
Travis Michael Fleming:Let Me break it down.
Travis Michael Fleming:It means that if you.
Travis Michael Fleming:If he's the king, then he demands our allegiance, nothing else.
Travis Michael Fleming:No other idols of this world, no other relationship, not a spouse, not a child, not a government.
Travis Michael Fleming:Our ultimate allegiance is not to a political party or to one single individual on this earth.
Travis Michael Fleming:The only allegiance that we really ultimately have is Jesus.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's it.
Travis Michael Fleming:He's the king.
Travis Michael Fleming:And we are citizens of that kingdom.
Travis Michael Fleming:And that should transform how we look at everything.
Travis Michael Fleming:Because we're not fighting for a kingdom in a military or a political sense, but in a spiritual one that will manifest itself in transformative ways in the lives of other people.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's where it's really seen and how it's played out.
Travis Michael Fleming:So our allegiance is not to anybody else except to Jesus.
Travis Michael Fleming:And that determines everything else in our life.
Travis Michael Fleming:And all the other allegiances that we're to have, to our spouses, to our families, to our workplaces, to our careers, to our political parties.
Travis Michael Fleming:They all fall into place once we get that allegiance to Jesus, Right?
Travis Michael Fleming:So we go from being a part of a fallen kingdom that's really ruled by the evil one into a heavenly one that is ruled by Jesus.
Travis Michael Fleming:And that should not only change in our allegiances, but our attitudes.
Travis Michael Fleming:How do we view the world?
Travis Michael Fleming:How do we interact with people in the world?
Travis Michael Fleming:How do we go about our lives?
Travis Michael Fleming:Are we always down?
Travis Michael Fleming:Are we always depressed?
Travis Michael Fleming:Are we always condemning ourselves?
Travis Michael Fleming:Or do we realize that we have been beneficiaries of Christ's saving grace and that our standing with God is not based on our righteousness or our good deeds, but it's based on what Jesus has already done.
Travis Michael Fleming:And that's freeing to know that he loves us.
Travis Michael Fleming:And there's so many people that think that they are unworthy of God's love.
Travis Michael Fleming:Let me tell you this.
Travis Michael Fleming:Worthy has two different senses.
Travis Michael Fleming:Worthy has this sense of deserving and value.
Travis Michael Fleming:They have two different kind of sides to that coin.
Travis Michael Fleming:And I find that people confuse those.
Travis Michael Fleming:You are not deserving of salvation.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's true.
Travis Michael Fleming:And that's where I find most Christians park.
Travis Michael Fleming:However, the other side of the coin is often missed.
Travis Michael Fleming:You are, though, worthy.
Travis Michael Fleming:And what I mean by that is you have value.
Travis Michael Fleming:You are valuable in the sight of God.
Travis Michael Fleming:You are precious.
Travis Michael Fleming:You are made in his image.
Travis Michael Fleming:He knows all of the hairs on your head.
Travis Michael Fleming:He knows everything about your life.
Travis Michael Fleming:He knows your struggles.
Travis Michael Fleming:He knows your pains.
Travis Michael Fleming:He knows your sufferings.
Travis Michael Fleming:He knows the conflicts that you've been through.
Travis Michael Fleming:He knows the hardships you've experienced.
Travis Michael Fleming:He knows your trials, your troubles and Your tribulations, He knows all of them and he loves you and he knew all the evil that you would ever do, and he still decided to give his life for you on the cross.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's God.
Travis Michael Fleming:And when we realize that, that should change our attitude and we should cultivate, and it's become cliche, but cultivate an attitude of gratitude and it should reshape how we view the world.
Travis Michael Fleming:What do we do in our days, the actions that we have, how we treat other people and our aspirations, what we pursue, what are we striving for?
Travis Michael Fleming:What are we going after?
Travis Michael Fleming:I think we've been hoodwinked by the world.
Travis Michael Fleming:I think we've been drawn in, duped, deceived, and we've really believed that the world is the only option that there is.
Travis Michael Fleming:And all of the things that the world offers to us, we want.
Travis Michael Fleming:We want to be famous.
Travis Michael Fleming:We want to be known.
Travis Michael Fleming:And it's really amplified that, but at the same time, it's alienated us because it always is promising it, but never delivering it.
Travis Michael Fleming:And so we have to really change our aspirations, what we strive after.
Travis Michael Fleming:I can't tell you how many different Christian families I see want their children to be famous.
Travis Michael Fleming:I've come to the point in time in my life now where I wouldn't wish fame on my worst enemy.
Travis Michael Fleming:And people would say, well, you're crazy.
Travis Michael Fleming:Really.
Travis Michael Fleming:Have you looked at some of the lives of these people, how they're attacked all the time, how everything that they do is being monitored and checked?
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, I'm not saying that we don't have things to strive for and we don't want to leave a good legacy or a name in our lives.
Travis Michael Fleming:But if we're going after fame, it's the wrong thing.
Travis Michael Fleming:It's the wrong thing because that's not going to last.
Travis Michael Fleming:Only Christ's kingdom is going to last and only those things that were done for him.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's what's really going to endure.
Travis Michael Fleming:Because the invisible world will become visible and this world is going to really fade into it, and we're going to see what is passing away.
Travis Michael Fleming:We read in the Bible that the world is passing away along with its desires.
Travis Michael Fleming:Only what is done for Christ is really going to last, and that's what's going to be seen at the end of time.
Travis Michael Fleming:So we need to put away this notion of trying to be famous all the time.
Travis Michael Fleming:And I'm talking do Christian Christians.
Travis Michael Fleming:I'm so tired of people trying to go after celebrity pastors.
Travis Michael Fleming:Please stop it.
Travis Michael Fleming:Please stop, stop.
Travis Michael Fleming:Christian famous can we please stop that, because that's not what God wants.
Travis Michael Fleming:I mean, what did Jesus say?
Travis Michael Fleming:The first shall be last, the last shall be first.
Travis Michael Fleming:Humble ourselves.
Travis Michael Fleming:And I find so many Christians trying to baptize fame in a Christian idea of it, and in doing so have forsaken what God has truly said about himself and how we're to live as citizens of that kingdom.
Travis Michael Fleming:And then we exalt these celebrity people or put them up because of their talent or their gifts, because we're really idol worshipers.
Travis Michael Fleming:We create idols even out of our pastors and teachers and leaders, and in doing so they fall and causes a great harm to the name of Jesus Christ.
Travis Michael Fleming:Now, I'm not sure exactly what I have as a solution to that, except to say that we all need to humble ourselves and rethink this notion of what it means to be a follower of Christ in the midst of this world world, and get back to what the word of God says.
Travis Michael Fleming:Because when we do that, we're going to find joy and we won't be so troubled by all of the different things that we see going on in the world because we know that those are always going to exist until Jesus comes and the fullness of his kingdom is seen.
Travis Michael Fleming:And so that's what the Kingdom of God does.
Travis Michael Fleming:This, this understanding of the Kingdom of God really reshapes how we think, how we look, how we interact with people in the world.
Travis Michael Fleming:And so the Kingdom of God has an amazing point to it and we need to understand it.
Travis Michael Fleming:And in doing so, we find out that the God story is so much greater.
Travis Michael Fleming:And not only is it a story to be marveled at, but it's one that is able to be participated in.
Travis Michael Fleming:Isn't that interesting?
Travis Michael Fleming:You know, Star wars, we come in episode four and we're just watching this whole thing play out.
Travis Michael Fleming:But in God's story, we're invited into it not just to watch it, but to be a participant in it.
Travis Michael Fleming:I want to leave today with a couple of questions.
Travis Michael Fleming:First of all, are you a participant in God's kingdom?
Travis Michael Fleming:The only way that you can enter into God's kingdom is through Jesus Christ the King.
Travis Michael Fleming:He gave his life for you on the cross.
Travis Michael Fleming:He bore your sins in his body on the tree.
Travis Michael Fleming:He came to defeat the evil one, to take away your sins and enable you to have forgiveness and life with God.
Travis Michael Fleming:He died, your death, was buried, rose again, appeared to many followers over a 40 day period.
Travis Michael Fleming:And then he ascended into heaven where he sits at the right hand of God and awaits for the consummation or awaits the day of the consummation of his kingdom.
Travis Michael Fleming:And you only can enter into the kingdom of God by repentance and faith and belief in him.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's it.
Travis Michael Fleming:But for.
Travis Michael Fleming:For those who have already done it, I hope that this is an encouragement to you that you might rethink where your allegiances are, that we might all rethink where our allegiances are, myself included.
Travis Michael Fleming:And that we might reorder our lives to truly display that we are first citizens of a heavenly kingdom, a kingdom that cannot be shaken.
Travis Michael Fleming:So with that in mind, we need to remove anything from our lives that are not pleasing to our king.
Travis Michael Fleming:We have to turn away from them.
Travis Michael Fleming:And we turn away from them not because he's just going to whack us over the head.
Travis Michael Fleming:No, we do so because we love him.
Travis Michael Fleming:We want to do what's right in his sight.
Travis Michael Fleming:We want to experience the smile of God, the joy of God, knowing that we were doing what we were made to do and embracing our creator and our savior and our king.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's what this is all about, the kingdom.
Travis Michael Fleming:Well, we're going to continue studying the kingdom of God next week.
Travis Michael Fleming:I want to invite you to give us a listen or throw us a like out on Facebook.
Travis Michael Fleming:Send us a message.
Travis Michael Fleming:Let us know what you like, what you didn't like.
Travis Michael Fleming:Help us to make this better for you so that you might be able to grow in your relationship with Jesus.
Travis Michael Fleming:And we would be tremendously honored.
Travis Michael Fleming:I would be tremendously honored if you would share this with other people so that they too might grow in the relationship with Jesus.
Travis Michael Fleming:That's it for today's episode, everybody.
Travis Michael Fleming:This is Travis Fleming signing out from Apollos watered.
Travis Michael Fleming:Stay watered, everybody.
Travis Michael Fleming:Wow.
Travis Michael Fleming:You thought you were in paradise?
Travis Michael Fleming:Cause I'm a cool, cool breeze?
Travis Michael Fleming:You thought you were blinded by the bright lights?
Travis Michael Fleming:But it was just me.