#4 | A Kingdom That Can’t Be Shaken

Intro: Democracies? Republic? Kingdom?

1:00-Fairytales, foundations, & fundamentals

3:00- Hebrews 12-An unshakeable kingdom

5:00-A warning for all of us w/the Israelites as an example.

10:00-End times & eternity

13:00-Monopoly, the Coast Guard, the Bible and a Wicker Basket

23:00-Suffering well, the biosphere, and good timber

29:00-Don’t be anxious about anything!!! Seek His kingdom! A look into our needs and an exploration into poverty and what it really is from a social standpoint.

34:00-The awesome Kingdom we have been given

35:00-Gratitude & Worship for who He is and what He has done. You were created to worship!

40:25-Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird-as an example of proper treatment.

44:00-God as a consuming fire-looking at California

45:30-The Punishment in due proportion: homeless, police, politicians, and the supreme power of the universe-the necessity of hell.

49:50-Finishing thoughts