Travis, Jay Moon & Bud Simon keep the conversation going with tips on how to share the good news of Jesus in a diverse world.
Travis, Jay, & Bud discuss their book, Intercultural Evangelism, and talk through some of the mindset shifts that need to occur for us to share Jesus effectively with those who come from different cultural backgrounds. They discuss four cultural operating systems that shape how people think: innocence/guilt, honor/shame, fear/power, and throw a new one into the mix: indifference/belonging w/purpose-specifically identifying the challenges at work in our post-everything, identity-obsessed, desire-to-belong-world.
Drawing upon their experiences as missionaries, Jay Moon and Bud Simon act as guides along the path of faith, showing us how to share Jesus in a pluralistic world that is increasingly unfamiliar with the Christian faith.
This insightful, practical conversation will decrease the cringe factor and increase your confidence as you share Jesus with those in your everyday world!
Learn more about W. Jay Moon and W. Bud Simon.
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