Apollos Watered: The Center for Discipleship and Cultural Apologetics

I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.
1 Cor. 3:6

We have Changed our Name!

We love the name Apollos Watered, but since our launch in the fall of 2021, by far the number one question we get is “so what do you do?” It’s a good question and we believe the new name helps to answer it better. Some ministries have a laser like focus—adoption or finances, evangelism to a specific group or place, disaster relief. All of these are important, even vital ministries. You could say that these ministries deal with the weather happening in specific places. Apollos Watered is different. We recognize the importance of the weather, but we are looking at the patterns in the weather, the processes which create specific weather conditions. In short, we are looking at the climate. Our new name expands, deepens, and hones us so that we can serve you—the church—better.

Our new name includes three key terms which signal what we do and how we do it.

As we develop The Center for Discipleship and Cultural Apologetics, there are exciting things on the horizon. We covet your prayers and your support as we move forward with the mission that God has given us.

The Western Church is facing a crisis.

Unable to address the issues of our world and unaware of our own cultural captivity, we are caught between nostalgia for a past that no longer exists and a drive for the next new thing. Too often we settle for and sell a truncated Gospel and a truncated vision of the Christian life.

Apollos Watered exists to be a catalyst that encourages and equips Christians, leaders, and churches in their missionary encounter with Western culture.

Glen Schrieber

Glen Schrieber
EFCA Southeast (SED)

“Hey church leaders, help is available! Apollos Watered is my go-to resource when pastors say, “I only have a short amount of time to lift my eyes above the day-to-day, point me to a resource that will help me wrap my head around the bigger picture and keep my ministry relevant.” Travis Michael Fleming has put together just such a resource, for you and your congregation’s use.” ...read more

Jami L. Staples

Jami L. Staples

"In the Land of a Billion Podcasts, Apollos Watered is a refreshing pool of nourishing voices providing Hope, Purpose and Truth."

Scott Sunquist

Dr. Scott Sunquist
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

"Christian theology and certainly Christian discipleship in the 21st century can no longer be limited to scholastic forms and memorized questions and answers. Our discipleship, like that of Jesus with the Twelve and Jesus with the crowds, must involve dialog, irony, story-telling and even humor. In short, we learn more by being engaged through mind and emotions. Apollos Watered is a ministry that so engages Christian discipleship, and because of this I find it easy to recommend to others the creative dialogical teaching. [Oh, and Travis has a great laugh which helps.]" ...read more


Join host Travis Michael Fleming as he converses with Christian leaders from around the globe to tackle the critical issues we face with a dash of humor, biblical insight, and cultural wisdom. Apollos Watered exists to encourage and equip you and your church in your missionary encounter with Western culture through resources and recommendations to water your faith so that you can water your world!

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