The Western Church is facing a crisis.
Unable to address the issues of our world and unaware of our own cultural captivity, we are caught between nostalgia for a past that no longer exists and a drive for the next new thing. Too often we settle for and sell a truncated Gospel and a truncated vision of the Christian life.
Apollos Watered exists to be a catalyst that encourages and equips Christians, leaders, and churches in their missionary encounter with Western culture.
What's New at Apollos Watered
Watering Weekends
Your missionary encounter takes training. Our interactive weekend seminars tackle some of today’s most critical issues to help you and your church hone your calling as you grow deeper in your faith. Three options:
- Thriving in Babylon
- Thinking as a Christian:
Finding Your Mind in a Chaotic World - Counterfeit Gods:
Confronting Today’s Cultural Idols
Each in-depth weekend is designed to help you navigate today’s cultural waters by examining the Scriptures, interacting with important voices past and present, listening to the global Church, and looking for real world application in your context.
Join host Travis Michael Fleming as he converses with Christian leaders from around the globe to tackle the critical issues we face with a dash of humor, biblical insight, and cultural wisdom. Apollos Watered exists to encourage and equip you and your church in your missionary encounter with Western culture through resources and recommendations to water your faith so that you can water your world!