What is the center of Christianity? Is there one? Which continent got the gospel first? How did the Gospel spread around the world? What does it mean to be “ecumenical”? Who is considered the father of modern missions? What does it mean to be on mission? What does it mean to work together for the gospel? What is the difference between evangelism and discipleship? How do we go about “doing” theology? What does it mean to “do” theology? And how is mission the mother of theology? These are just SOME of the questions that we try to answer on today’s show as Travis welcomes Allen Yeh!
Allen is a missiologist who specializes in Latin America and China. He is a professor of intercultural studies at the Cook School for Intercultural Studies. He has diverse interests in history, classical music, homiletics, justice, the California missions, the Maya, and biographical interest in Jonathan Edwards (America’s greatest theologian) and Adoniram Judson (America’s first intercontinental missionary). He serves on the Board of Trustees for the Foundation for Theological Education in Southeast Asia. He earned his B.A. from Yale, M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell, M.Th. from Edinburgh, and D.Phil. from Oxford.
Allen has been to over 60 countries on every continent, to study, do missions work, and experience the culture. He is joyfully married to Arianna Molloy, a professor in Biola’s Communication Studies Department.
This is a fun and challenging conversation that is going to enlighten and challenge you in what you know about how mission has been done historically, how we do mission where we are today, and we go about doing theology in our crazy changing world.
Learn more about Allen.
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