#65 | Finding Hope, Shedding Shame, Pt. 2 | Audrey Frank

Join Travis for the second part of his Deep Conversation with Audrey Frank. Travis and Audrey discuss shame and the shame bearers in Muslim society…women. What does that mean? What does it mean to the women of Afghanistan in light of recent events? What does our modern cancel culture have to do with ancient concepts of shame? Everything! Listen in and discover shame, shame bearers, and the One who takes our shame away.

Check out the first part:

#64 | Finding Hope, Shedding Shame, Pt. 1 | Audrey Frank

Learn more about shame:

#34 | Rediscovering Hospitality: A Lesson from Eastern Cultures | Jayson Georges

#69 | The Insanity of God, Pt. 1 | Nik Ripken

#70 | The Insanity of God, Pt. 2 | Nik Ripken

#71 | The Insanity of God, Pt. 3 | Nik Ripken

#112 | Truth, Trauma, and Transformation, Pt. 1 | Jami Staples

#113 | Truth, Trauma, and Transformation, Pt. 2 | Jami Staples

#117 | Defending Shame, Pt. 1 | Te-Li Lau

#118 | Defending Shame, Pt. 2 | Te-Li Lau

Be sure to check her out and get her book, Covered Glory.

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