Apollos Watered Podcast

#175 | Deep Conversation w/ Gene Green | Doing Theology With The World

May 16, 2023

Is theology a one-time thing? Or is it something that we do? How do we “do” theology? Part of following Jesus, and desiring to see His kingdom expand in the hearts and minds of men and women all over the world, means learning how to follow Christ and show Christ’s love in various cultural contexts. […]

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#174 | Deep Conversation w/ Michael J. Kruger | Spiritual Abuse

May 12, 2023

What did James MacDonald, Mark Driscoll, and Bill Hybels have in common? They were all guilty of spiritual abuse. We have all heard of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, just to name a few, but spiritual abuse? Spiritual abuse is the most incipient of abuses, but it happens all the time. What exactly is spiritual […]

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#173 | Deep Conversation w/ Bishop Claude Alexander | Becoming the Church

May 9, 2023

Can you have Jesus without the church? The answer is an unequivocal and resounding, “No.” Travis welcomes Bishop Claude Alexander to the show as they discuss how we are becoming the church, how we have to allow room to process, not give up on the church but press on, and seek to be unified because […]

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#172 | Deep Conversation w/ Malcolm Guite: Transfigure Your Imagination, Pt. 2

May 5, 2023

Imagination awakens knowledge and stirs the soul to seek God. We need to learn how to tap into this very powerful gift and tool that God has given us and learn how to use it for His glory. In this second conversation, Travis talks with Malcolm Guite about the imagination and how God desires to […]

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#171 | Deep Conversation w/ Malcolm Guite: Transfigure Your Imagination, Pt. 1

May 2, 2023

Have you ever felt stuck? Like you can’t go anywhere. You can’t make progress, you can’t go back, and you just are stuck where you are? Sometimes we need to tap into our imaginations as Jesus did. The imagination is a powerful tool-from running scared through potential hazards or leading us into a world of […]

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#170 | Deep Conversation w/ Allen Yeh | Polycentric Missiology

April 28, 2023

What is the center of Christianity? Is there one? Which continent got the gospel first? How did the Gospel spread around the world? What does it mean to be “ecumenical”? Who is considered the father of modern missions? What does it mean to be on mission? What does it mean to work together for the […]

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#169 | Deep Conversation w/ Joby Martin: Anything Is Possible

April 25, 2023

Is God still in the miracle business? What do the miracles of Jesus in the New Testament tell us about who God is today? What has that to do with us? And what role does the empty tomb have in us understanding what God wants to do in the world today? Additionally, what role do […]

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#168 | Deep Conversation w/ Vishal Mangalwadi: Revelation Movement

April 21, 2023

Travis welcomes Vishal Mangalwadi to the show. Vishal is India’s foremost Christian intellectual. He is a social reformer, activist, author, and columnist whose writings and videos have been featured around the world. He has lectured in over 40 countries, written 17 books, and contributed to several others. He joined Travis to discuss his book, The […]

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#167 | Deep Conversation w/ Christopher Watkin: Biblical Critical Theory, Pt. 2

April 21, 2023

Travis and Chris continue their discussion in Chris’ groundbreaking book, Biblical Critical Theory. In this episode, they discuss the Exodus, sin, and judgment, bringing the Bible to bear upon culture, technique, and God’s amazing story that contains all other stories. Learn more about Chris. Get the book. Chris referred to a couple of other resources: […]

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#166 | Deep Conversation w/ Christopher Watkin: Biblical Critical Theory

April 18, 2023

Have you ever sat in a philosophy class and wondered, “How in the world does this fit within the Gospel?” or “How can I explain the Gospel when it has to answer all these questions?” If you have ever heard the names of Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, or Friedrich Nietzsche, then you know that they […]

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