Apollos Watered Podcast

#225 | 8 Habits for Reimagining Productivity, Resisting Hurry, and Practicing Peace with Jen Pollock Michel, Pt. 2

February 9, 2024

Part 2 of our conversation with Jen Pollock Michel as we continue to discuss her book, In Good Time. We are all busy, and have a hard time cultivating the habits that enable both being and doing. If we can’t cultivate good habits, we have a harder time fulfilling God’s mission. In this episode, Travis […] Read More

#224 | 8 Habits for Reimagining Productivity, Resisting Hurry, and Practicing Peace with Jen Pollock Michel, Pt. 1

February 2, 2024

Are you tired of being tired? Tired of being stressed out? Tired of not getting stuff done? How are those New Year’s resolutions coming along? We all can get frustrated and overwhelmed with all the things that need to be done. Every year there is a new guru who pops up to help us do […] Read More

#223 | The State of the Church with Albert Mohler

January 26, 2024

Where is the church headed? What do we do about the great dechurching that we see going on in the United States? What role does the culture play today? What about the church? Are we to give a Christian culture? How can we be “thicker” in culture than in the secular world? Travis and Albert […] Read More

#222 | Is Politics Killing Evangelicalism? Pt. 2 with Pete Wehner

January 19, 2024

Can our Lord be seen by our politics? What do our politics say about us? Is the message of Jesus communicated in it? What about the way of Jesus? How is our Christian witness being affected by our politics? Do the means we employ reveal the message we believe? What happens if we focus on […] Read More

#221 | Is Politics Killing Evangelicalism? with Pete Wehner, Pt. 1

January 13, 2024

Is our political focus, which we believe is for the greater good, actually doing the opposite for the Christian witness today? How do we maintain our integrity in the midst of political compromise? Is there a third way? Should we focus on the lesser of two evils? What happens if we continue to do that? […] Read More

#220 | Reflections on 2023

December 29, 2023

Travis and Kevin reflect on their favorite episodes and books for 2023 and give a vision for Apollos Watered moving forward to help you water your world! Sign up for the Apollos Watered email. Help revitalize churches by supporting Apollos Watered!

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#219 | The Christmas Story

December 16, 2023

Listen in as many of the guests from Apollos Watered over this past year read the Christmas story. Merry Christmas! Sign up for the Apollos Watered email. Help revitalize churches by supporting Apollos Watered!

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#218 | Hope for American Evangelicals with Matthew Bennett, Pt. 2

December 8, 2023

Where is their idolatry in the evangelical church today? What idolatries have we smuggled into the church? How do we handle this? What will happen if we don’t? How do we reach our crazy post-everything world today? Is there anyone we can turn to? Is there a person who can give us clarity? Is there […] Read More

#217 | Hope for American Evangelicals with Matthew Bennett, Pt. 1

December 1, 2023

How do we reach our crazy post-everything world today? Is there anyone we can turn to? Is there a person who can give us clarity? Is there a different perspective that we have to consider? Travis welcomes professor and former missionary, Matthew Bennett, to the show to discuss his book, Hope for American Evangelicals. Using […] Read More

#216 | Makers in a Thinkers World with Amy Howley Pierson

November 24, 2023

Are you creative? Have you felt your creative gifts weren’t desirable or valuable for the gospel and the expansion of God’s kingdom? If you have, then this episode is for you! Too often the creatives among us have been relegated to the kids’ table of ministry, and in doing so we have lost the ability […] Read More

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